Playing in my free-time (as silly as that is to actually have?) creating handwritten typography. Often it's just random words, numbers, letters, etc. that come to me. I'm not always on the usual trendy messaging that has become so popular of just typing some phrase or mantra on the computer and putting it in front of a photographic texture. This is more the, let's see what I can pencil and ink in only ten-minutes(ish) a day. Then take a photo of it and post, in January I photographed AND scanned. And that was pushing me way past the ten-minute mark. No good. And for the most part I don't mind the original pencil lines showing, just to show process.
So if you're curious I threw it onto a tumblr blog, though upon reflection I wonder if there's a way to upload once and have it appear here and tumblr at the same time? Or not sure if I actually want that. So here are a few examples, but if you want to find the main feed it's at: but I'm not trying to steal away from the LJ world here. Both serve in their own good way to me at least! Bonne soir!