Oct 16, 2012 10:55
I'm a little tardy with these posts, this obviously doesn't surprise you, but things steadily change. Today I feel like fessing up on a semi-small problem I deal with. Though not sure why, but I learned more about it on the "mighty internets" and a little relieved to see I'm not the only one. Though I'm saddened to see there's not a clear answer to it, but I learned today it's called, "Trichotillomania." Which part of me wondered if that's for real? How do you even pronounce that? Who came up with it? Maybe it deals with frustrations? Maybe its something else? So many discussions but they don't seem to lead towards much in the way of answers.
In the big scheme of trich-comparisons mine is not as severe as some, but I do tend to twist and pull on my beard when it gets long enough, and it's always the same area, my left hand twisting/pulling from the lower right side of my face. Which usually results in me shaving the beard close so my hand can't do it anymore. Sometimes it's so subconscious that I don't realize its happening until its too late. Today was a "let's shave it tight so this shit stops" sort of day.
I've never actually brought it up to anyone outside of a partner (my current and my previous ex) are the only ones-until now-who know of it. One day I'll understand how to rein it in.