I am semi-convinced that creating and populating your own personal web site is similar to the process to giving birth. Thankfully I do not have to baby-proof the house for its arrival.
But sometimes you do what you must to communicate for yourself in the search for a MFA-graduating going after a college-level graphic design teaching job. Are their jobs of this nature in your area? I'm rather open to moving away from the Atlanta area, honest! I don't imagine staying here forever, humidity might melt me one day in all honesty.
Care to see the new web site? I'm only missing one projects (new) photos which I'm going to shoot on Tuesday next week (road trip!), extra points that have no value if you can figure out which one it is. But otherwise all is done. You can find it at:
http://www.davidjrshort.com Now to finish out some of the other paperwork-PDFs some of the listings are asking for.