Well, I decided it was about time for one, so took the week off. Got a cat on Monday from the Animal Humane Society, you can see pictures
here. He's really cute and sweet. We named him Nibbler because he likes to nibble when he's happy :)
He likes to watch the toilet flush apparently, because he runs into the bathroom and peeks inside every time I flush. He also really likes the window sill, although he did try to eat our plant Phil.
He was the first one we look at at the society and he was very sweet. He was purring the whole time we were playing with him, no doubt glad to be out of the cage. I'm not sure if it's budgetting or other reasons for them being in little cages (well, they're not tiny, but still not really too much room to walk around in) but they don't seem very happy being cramped in there. We look at some others, but they didn't seem as friendly or as interested in us (they were still cute though and we stlll felt bad about them having to be there). We ultimately settled on Rio (that was his name there) and filled out the paperwork and got him home.
They said it might take him a little while to get adjusted. That little while was about 5 minutes to explore the place before treating it like home. He likes to snuggle in bed with us when we sleep. Although as cute as it is waking up with a cat in my face, it could be somewhat of a problem when I actually need to go to work and get enough sleep. Oh well, we'll deal with that when the time comes.
We got him a scratching post from Target yesterday, and he started playing with the toy feathery-thing on it and soon was dragging the post around by the toy. That's why you see it by the radiator in the last few pictures :p He's really nice though, he got the idea pretty quickly that he shouldn't be on my laptop after I pushed him off a few times and he hasn't tried to get on since. He also was sprawling out on the edge of the bed and fell off, but still managed to land on his feet. He'll try to play it off when he falls like he meant to do it :p
Don't really have any plans for the rest of the week so if anyone wants to hang out, lemme know.