May 08, 2007 22:21
that was sung to the tune of lonfdon bridge is falling down song:P ^^
5 all nigters it will be today, though I did manage to get 4 hours sleep earlier when I came home from uni.
managed to get everything done for today by the skin of my teeth, when I went to the assessment everyone looked as tired as I was and were equally annoyed with the course some even thinking about trying to get some of their money back.
Its cost us £4000 ($8000 ish) for this course out our own pockets, with no grants or loans available, as *masters students dont qualify* £2000 still left ot pay and people are thinking of holding it back.
also find out today that my masters tutor has taken this opportunity to inform us that he has got a new job and has left. The class feels abandoned and let down and me personnaly I feel at a loss as ive been working with him on my project closely, and kinda worried that a new tutor of which they havent got yet, wont know where im coming from or what im doing and wont know me.
but I guess we will see.
doing my 3000 word paper now *yawnys* then once that is in, sleep time till thursday^^
*curls in a tired ball*