May 05, 2007 01:06
well.... ya know i had a 6000 word paper:P and was having a few issues getting it donnneee.... and then yhr uni forgot to tell me about an exam on tuesay the day before the paper is due......
well right now at 1am on sat morning..... ive just discovered.... im screwed:P
cse theve actually forgot to tell me about THREE!
what I actually have is as follows
-video exam and practical due in tuesday 10am (they didnt tell me this one, like im able to make a video and a practical project in a few days !)
- 20 min assessment tuesday 1pm onwards on my research proposal(didnt tell me this one either but i can poss blag it)
-6000 word paper due in 12noon wednesday(this is the only one I knew about)
- 3000 word research proposal due in ( thy didnt tell me about this one either:P despite i asked *BEFORE* easter¬¬ )
in no uncertain terms.... I am well and truly...for want of a better expression.... screwed:P
and I do apologise in advance if you talk to me and i utter randomness:P like someone was talking to me earlier and i had my essay in my head and gave her an answer about birds lmao, she looked at me very confused:P so apologies, I be doing alot of all nighters over the weekend:P
nooow for the coffee:) ^^
oooh and my neighbours have taken this moment in time to have their roof done:P and so far from 8am this morning to about 7:30pm when i went for a walk to get away from it, theyve been hitting it with power tools and axes 0_o buggers. and oh bugger once more:P