Apr 30, 2007 23:36
I feel so saddd -_-
my fish were getting better, and then i went to work today and come back to find my beloved Oranda with swim bladder which is most times fatal -_-
so now theyve had
bite wounds
torn tail
fin rot
white spot/ich
swim bladder
all in the space of a week -_- and all caused by a bite wound. ggahhhh
and I know that to most people they are just fish, but when yoube got attached to them and been ursing them back to health to the point of hand feeding, and then something else happens its just hard:/
esp when the two of them are so attached to each other and now onw will die-_-
i thought at first that it might be ok, as it wasnt bad swim bladder and he could still get to the bottom of the tank -_-
then I went for a shower and come back to see a missing fish -_- and I looked to see this dot of orange under the filter -_- and I immediately turned the filter off but the damage was already done-_- his fins and tail had got stuck and mangled :(
my fiiishhhhh -_-
his face just looks like pain and i dnt know what to do-_- people say to flush it away, but I cant do that, he will go to the sewar still alive and die miserably.