Where I'm Camping @ that Damn thing in the Damn Desert

Aug 20, 2005 19:56

And if you want to send actual mail to People on the playa, you can send it via the US Postal Service.

Here is how to get mail to Black Rock

Friend or Enemy Name
Camp Name
Camp Address
Burning Man
Gerlach, NV 89412

Postmistress Sylvia chimes in with: "That's the Zip code for Gerlach. But to get a delivery onto the playa and to the BRCPO, it has to be addressed "c/o BRCPO" and have a very detailed description of the person it is intended for and suspected camp location. (You can always do a "double-wrap" with the VERY detailed specifics from being read by USPS officials on the inside. As long as it is addressed "c/o BRCPO" on the outer package, the volunteers at the BRCPO are authorized to open the outer wrap and attempt a delivery.)

- Suggestion: Send mail to everyone you know on the playa - I'd recommend mailing it within the US on 8/26 or 8/27
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