Aug 29, 2012 11:37
I figured I should put a small update on here for whoever reads this. There are probably, like, three of you, but there you go.
I started school yesterday. I have one more semester after this and I'm done with my Associates! I already know what I'm taking next semester, too, and it will be lovely. I'm going to apply to Kent State in January for the Fall semester there to work on my Education degree, and in three more years, I'll have a Masters. I will be able to start teaching before I finish my Masters if I want, too. I'm staying in Ohio to do it because it's more affordable this way. Once I have my Masters, I can work anywhere I want, and I'll be making twice as much as I am now, and it'll make living so much easier. Once I'm done, I won't have to do things like work two jobs (about 50 hours a week) and take 10-12 credit hours like I am now. *sigh of relief*
I plan on having my debt completely paid off by New Years. I will be paying about twice the default payment once I have school paid off for this semester. The tuition and books cost more than I expected, so it will take another paycheck to finish, maybe two. C'est la vie.
Once I have the debt paid off, I will be working toward getting a new car and, hopefully before I go to Kent and definitely before I start my Masters, a new computer. I figure since it's a new chapter in my life, I should be prepared for it. My car is getting really old, and though it only has 145,000 miles on it (which is AMAZING for a 15 year old car), it's starting to cost more and more to repair and I can't keep doing it if I want to get further in the direction I want to go in. I have a few ideas for what I want, one of them being another Civic, but whatever I get it will have 4 doors, a moonroof, automatic something (locks, windows, maybe even transmission--I'm tired of having manual everything @_@), a better stereo, and air conditioning. I know, I'm asking for so much. As for the computer--though this one works perfectly fine, I'm thinking of getting another one and keeping this one either as a back up or use it only for schoolwork. I'll figure it out more as time goes by and things become clearer.
So, back to Kent and future schooling. I will be going for my Masters of Education in Secondary Education (means middle and high school, grades 7-12), with a minor in German. I do so miss my German. <3 I'll also build my repertoire of English classes under my belt, working toward an eventual Masters in that as well. As to how that will work, I'll figure it out when I talk to a counselor and run my plans by them. I also plan on studying abroad for a year in Germany/Austria through Kent. They have a fantastic program for it, and all the different places I can go (like Dresden, Brussels, and Vienna, for example) make me so excited for it. If people want to come visit me while I'm there, let me know. ;)
So Brandon came to visit a couple weeks ago. While he was here we went to Cedar Point, Stan Hywet (<3333333 One of my favorite places in the US), the Cleveland Botanical Garden, the Western Reserve Historical Society, the Museum of Natural History, and just had fun. I liked having him here and I miss him, but I've been really busy since he left, so I haven't really realized how much. I've been working every day since he left (I worked the night he left), getting ready for school, and cleaning the house/running errands/getting stuff done.
Well, I think I've run out of things to talk about for this update. I'm going to go back to cleaning and starting my reading homework.