The windmills are lovely...

Nov 30, 2007 09:49

So, truthfully i'm actually posting this in australia. but i  never continued our adventure so here goes/

the bike ride went well, we met some guy who was hiring them out to us who said he was comming down to melbourne in a few weeks so he;s got my email and who knows he may come knociking on the front door.

we got a good map showing what looked to be an extensive ride..... left the city, through lots of park land gravyards past old windmills and into a town older then amsterdam itself..

buitiful country side, can say no more. yes its an english keyboard now but i still can't spell and finding my fingers are still pushing the wrong keys where i got used to them being somewhere else ¿ lol. still got it.
p.s those boys living along the river Amstel must be so rich.

the turkey dinner was fanstastic albeit a little small as usual for my gluttonous self.  had a lot of fun with the boys at the bar that night. and the bar tender was alsome dishing out free drinks to the table by the jug load. man that was good.
the following day i can't rememer what we did, thats more then a week ago now but i believe we went out with a map and a free audio tour from the hostel too... the red light district. come on curiosty always wins and let me tell you, there was somone there for everyone.... and some just a little bit scary.
thanks to the tour i now know that a white light outside the window rather then red actaully means that its a transvestite. all people in the windows would try and grab your attention by tapping on the glass or just dancing around in next to nothing to fully display what they had or what they thought you wanted. i will admit to seeing, no not touching people though i was almost tempted, some girls who were absulutly gorgous and very enticing. i'm not sure if i was actaully expecting stunning bella's in a seedy district but the better you are the more you will rake in the cash i suppose. for most men they would be dream girls for sure including me.

we were in amsterdam.... it did happen to be the canibis cup...... let just say when you go to order a coffee and they bring out the menu and there is only weed/hashish/marijunana there and the differnt ratings of the potentcy then there was a lot of stoned people about.
there is also somthing called space cakes which i beleive is technically illegal now. you can still find them of course and we did.

that concludes amsterdam, we flew out watching twister on the plane...  no not really. into malaysia. now we had maybe 8 hours to kill so we got a tempory visa and headed out into the city to a local tourist market with riducals prices. now i didn't really know the exchange rate so we took and estimate after looking at our back balances in RM and trying to think how much $ we actaully had. we roughly estimated to multiply by 3.

bought a few sueveniers and an ice drink and it was time to get back onto the plane to be welcomed home by the family and no freinds..
the end
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