
Dec 02, 2004 18:31

Name:: David
Middle Name:: ******
Last Name::Freeman
Nick Name::ugh so many...D, davey, penguin, muffin, niagara..etc
DOB:: 11/28/88
Age:: 16
Location:: SM, CA
Eye Color:: brown
Hair Color:: Brown
Height:: 5'9
Shoe Size:: 11/11 1/2
Glasses or Contacts::none
Siblings:: none
Have your lisence:: 4 weeks

A tease?:: sure?
Honest:: yep
Funny:: ppl seem 2 think so
A loyal friend:: ya
Flirty: ya
Sluty:: im a guy
Loud:: i can b
Sad:: not now
Happy:: at da moment
In a fight w/ someone:: na
Mad at your parents :: not now
Straight/Gay/Bi:: str8

Keep a secret:: yep
Lie to someone you love:: my dad...casey no.. mom no
Not lie:: ya
Lie to your parents about your where abouts:: wat kid hasnt
Laugh at something thats not funny to make someone feel good:: yep
Be honest to someone even if it hurts:: yes
Take your friends b/f-g/f:: can i take em? um sure if i tried but i have a gf so y
Hit someone:: fo sho if dey r fuckin wit me or r annoyin
Steal something:: fuck dat
Cry on que:: if i try
Talk your way out of trouble:: most of da time unless its impossible
Convince someone to do something:: ya hhehe
Do the splits:: no..ow
Touch your nose w/your tounge:: na

Soda:: cherry coke
Food:: japanese n italian
T.V show:: Family guy
Reality show:: drawn 2gether o sumtn i duno dont watch em much
Bands: a lot
Actors/Actress: i like a lot
Music Genre:: mainly hiphop/rap... sum rock n spanish
Hobby:: hmm..
To do on weekends:: kik it wit my bebe...sleep...kik it wit ppl.. movies.. parties.. jus watever

Single/Taken:: taken
Who do you like:: dont like ne1
Do they like you back:: dey dont like me
Have you kissed your crush:: ive kissed her wen she was a crush
Hugged your crush and didn’t want to let go: ya
Dumped someome: ya
Been dumped: ya
Been rejected: ya
Rejected someone: ya
Kissed:: ya
Made out:: ya
Had sex:: Na Man..or have i? no..
Dirtiest fantasy:: 2 girls suckin my dick wit 1 on top of my face ;) in a big ass squishy bed while sippin on sum hq n smokin sum weed..i jus made dat up outa nowhere
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