
Nov 09, 2004 23:11

Layer One- You :
* you: david
* Middle name: ******

* Birth time:11 30 pm.. o sumtn
* Birthplace: SM, CA
* Last place you traveled: San fran
* Eye Color: Brown
* Nail Color: fucked up clear
* Height: 5'9
* Zodiac Sign: sag

Layer two- describe :
* Your heritage: Spanish, colombian (haha ilana cant make fun o u no more), sum italian n irish
* The shoes you wore today: wheat n white tims
* Your hair: short brown/blondish
* Your weakness: only 1 person knos
* Your perfect pizza: homemade

Layer Three- what is :
* Your most overused phrase on aim: coo

* Your thoughts first waking up: i wana go back 2 sleep
* Your current worry: will i get a job soon

* Your plans for today: areayd had em
* Your plans for tomorrow: school den.. um .. i hope sumtn fun
* Your best physical feature: i dont even kno..

* Your bedtime: newhere from 12 am 2 12 am da next day :p

Layer Four- you prefer :
* sunrise or sunset: sunset
* gore or horror: both
* eastsiiiide or wessssside: Westside fo life
* stripes or polka dots: question
* Planes or trains: planes
* Boxers or briefs: boxers
* Pools or hot tubs: hot tubs

Layer Five- do you :
* Do you think you've been in love: i am
* Type w/ your fingers on homerow: fuck dat

* Like to take baths: sumtimes...wen im sore
* Get motion sickness: never have

* Like talking on the phone: wit casey
* Like thunderstorms: yep
* Play an instrument: piano
* Workout: yep
* Like reading: depends

Layer Six- favorite :
* Body part: thighs..butt..boobs :D
* Kind of fruit: strawberry
* Music to fall asleep to: rap
* Time of the day: nite
* Car: 2 many

* Number: 7
* Thing to do: hehehehe..
* Horror movie: SAW lol i duno
* Colors: royAL blue (put da emphasis on da "al")

Layer Eight- the future :
* Age you hope to be married: wenever im ready

* Numbers and Names of Children: i want a couple kids... names i dont kno
* Describe your Dream Wedding: a wedding where notin goes wrong.. all our family is there... my soon 2 b wife gives me dat smile dat melts my heart and makes my day... n location i gues can b nice i gues.. doresnt matter 2 much 2 me.. i gues a nice beach place or pretty place is coo...watever my lady wants

* How do you want to die: fucked 2 death
* What do you want to be when you grow up: lawyer (cuz i luv arguein), been thinkn.. maybe sumtn in psychology (makes a grip o money.. get 2 help ppl wit problems...i can prescribe myself drugssss)

* What country would you most like to visit: italy

Layer Nine- opposite sex :
* Best eye color: hazel or green
* Short or long hair: long
* Best personality trait: guud sense of humor, overall fun 2 b wit, not an attention wanter, out goin n likes 2 do shit
* Best height: shorter den me.. least my an inch
* Best articles of clothing: fuck clothes.. but i gues shit dat shows their body off
* Best first date location: my bed.. hahaaaa
* Best first kiss location: wherever it happens.. happens
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