be happy in this moment, for this moment is your life

Oct 25, 2005 23:21

Well, when last we left me, I’d found a camera. For those of you who are wondering, the price of gratitude turns out to be a free dinner. I actually found the owner in the process of walking to campus the next day. He was even dressed exactly the same as in the pics, making him easy to ID. Just walked up and said “you’re looking for your camera, aren’t you?”

Of course, that was a whopping 20 days ago. Ignoring what the calendar dictates, it’s now early summer here in the Land Down Under. That means that at 11 PM, I’m sticky and sweaty (and that’s just from sitting at my desk typing). It’s just going to get worse (or for the thermophiles amongst us, better).

Talk-Fest number 4 went better than any other previous one, though my friend and coworker Meegan (named such because her parents didn’t want folks from the USA calling her Megan (yes, it’s a hard E sound in her name)) nearly passed out the second day because of that gods-awful room in which we hold it (was hotter and stickier than currently, I was downing water ALL BLOODY DAY and only needed to pee once…get it?). I got a lovely little cold afterwards that I attribute to the close space with poor circulation into which we were packed and/or the insane amounts of mold and spores in that room (which I swear, hasn’t been cleaned in years). My presentation went well, though, I must say.

Past two weeks have been a lot of lab-work. Lots and lots of HPLC stuff. I could go into details. Hands up, anyone who wants to hear in greater details? Anyone…? No.

I HAVE RESULTS!!! For the first time in a long way, I got really USEFUL results. Once I’ve got it written up, I’ll post the info on here (shouldn’t blab it on here right away, nothing personal to ANYONE, honest).

I’ve also been giving the job of doing the MARS2005 review session (which I did today), administering the exam, and grading ALL of them. You better believe I’m getting paid extra for this one.

Also, Wicked and Avenue Q may have some of the better sound-tracks I’ve heard in a long time. Been listening to them both a lot recently.

Wicked - just plain funny (and GOOD).

Avenue Q - So wrong, but so good.

There’s not really THAT MUCH else to report, ATM.

Roasted garlic is good stuff.

As always, thank you; that is all.

randomness, work, music

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