neil gaiman reading and signing

Jul 21, 2005 22:50

First off, I'd like to thank Neil Gaiman for spoiling the HP6 death for a funny story.

See, an audience member asked what was the most embarrassing question anyone had ever asked him. He said was last night in Sydney and that he was embarrassed for the guy asking, not by the guy.

See, this guy got up last night and (thinking he was being all sorts of funny and clever) asked, "Neil, did you have a hard time killing off *person who dies in Half Blood Prince*?"

Neil: "No, that wasn't me. That was Terry Pratchett."

Unfortunately for the guy, it didn't come off as funny in the asking as it had sounded in his head.

Anyway, the bit up there that's politely censored on my part wasn't censored when Neil related the story.

Result: 2nd book in a row, I know who dies before I've even placed a greedy little finger on my copy.


The rest of the event was fan-bloody-tastic. Neil is very natural when he's talking to audiences. He doesn't come off as being overly geeky or withdrawn or full of himself. Just stands up there and goes.

Jes (Jes = Jessica E Hill; Jess = Jessica C Faber (for future refernce (Jes really does only use 1 "S"))) and I had seats near the back when it started, but the first thing that Neil said was that there was too much room at the front, so he invited people to come up and sit on the floor right around the podium. Jes and I grabbed seats on top of tables to the right of centre as you faced the podium. Very good view.

Neil first read most of chapter 4 of the new book Anansi Boys before doing question and answer for a bit. First off, the book is extremely funny while maintaining the weirdness that comes with all of his stories. I can't wait to get my signed and pre-ordered copy in a few months.

It was the last night of his Asia and Australia tour, and he was very relieved to have "only" 250 people in attendence. Apparently he was mobbed in the Phillipines.

When I got my book signed, I got a pic with him and thanked him for staying to sign EVERYONE'S stuff back in 2003 at ComiCon International. That one is a story to tell some other time.

I have to say that Neil's commitment to interacting with and connecting with his fans is quite commendable. He definitely devotes a ton of time and energy to it.

In all, Jes and I had a great night and laughed a ton. My copies of American Gods and Smoke And Mirrors now have his signature, and I know who dies in HP6.

I'll put up pics from it in my LJ photo area.

books, randomness

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