
May 23, 2010 13:57

For lunch I heated up a Stouffer's meal of "swedish meatballs". It came out of the microwave with an acrid smell that I did not expect. I tried a noodle. "This is not food!" I cried. "This is a non-food item!" So I stuck it back in the box and put it in the trash, and heated up some Campbell's Chunky, and that's what I'm eating right now.

I hated to do it, but we must maintain standards.

Speaking of non-food items! I started playing Echo Bazaar about a week ago, and it consumed my waking thoughts, often my dreams. You run around Fallen London getting into fights and seducing people and eavesdropping and stealing, generally being THAT KIND of person, and you are paid in secrets and weird specialty currency, like moon-pearls and jade fragments and souls. Yes, I own a soul. In a jar. It's green. Will sell for two pennies! Anyway, you can interact with other players for XP and various stats, so if you're on Twitter, get in on that. I need someone to help take away the nightmares.

It's been a while since I made a state-of-the-plants update, so here it is: dead. All dead. The lime tree has enough leaves to continue to justify taking up a pot, but that's it. The ancient begonia burst into blossom and then decided leaves were boring, so it started losing them too. The ivy is okay, I guess. It's so inactive I treat it like a statue that you water twice a month. My parents sent me some seedlings (two tomatoes, two cabbages, two peppers) and I got an aster from church on Mother's Day. All are limper than Steve Rogers circa 1939. There's also a mixed pot full of perennials that are not, I suspect, going to live to prove it. This house is turning my green thumb brown.

Whimsy break: my Irish radio stream is playing "Tennessee Waltz" right now.

I've been reading a lot lately, working through pulp fiction and horror anthologies with lowbrow glee. Has anyone read anything awesome lately? Doesn't have to be in those genres, but they'd be a bonus.

food, books, plant life

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