Press release from the city: SOMERVILLE - Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone is excited to announce a new home for the City's data sets, which gives Somerville residents easy access to the same data he uses to make decisions. Now you can take a trip to the Data Farm to follow data trends in the City and use the data for your own analysis.
Somerville's Data Farm ( is home to "locally sourced and handpicked food for thought," which includes three portals of data visualizations as well as a fourth portal with the "data seeds" (the raw data) used to "grow" the other portals: [portals over there]
I have always appreciated the data that this city uses to make decisions about where to aim resources. I think it's very shrewd.
They went all out with puns: "Locally sourced & handpicked food for thought", "Artisanal" data, and more.
Direct link to the main dashboard: