Earth Machine compost bins

Aug 13, 2013 11:04

Hi all,
I have an Earth Machine compost bin that I got from the City DPW about 2 years ago, and it has been working well until the past week or so when some animal decided to chew right through the side to get in, create a burrow, and presumably eat stuff. Don't know what changed, since we've had no problems previously and didn't put in anything unusual.

I guess that I'm posting this to let people know that these are not as rodent-proof as you might want for an urban environment, so keep an eye out. Has this happened to anyone else? Also, does anyone have any suggestions about other composters that are sturdier or something that I could put in the compost itself that rodents would find noxious enough to deter them? We've stopped putting new material in, but have to figure out what to do with the half composted mix that we have if we don't find a better bin.

compost, pest control

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