(no subject)

Mar 22, 2013 16:33

Hello Everyone,

Somerville Open Studios has two upcoming events to share with you. If you're interested in SOS, and this is the first you've heard of these, please visit www.somervilleopenstudios.org to join our mailing list.

I hope you are all as excited about SOS as I am (though that's a tall order to fill). Thanks everyone for being part of this great community!

FINAL SOS 2013 Membership & Volunteer Meeting
Sun., Mar. 24 > 1pm - 3pm
Mad Oyster Studios
2 Bradley Street [see madoysterstudios.org/directions]

If you're a fan of SOS and would like to help promote the event and share it with a wider audience, come join the team!... Participating artists, hopefully you've read about this in your SOS email (if not, Please check your junk-file and make sure important SOS mail isn't going there).

SOS has event-wide postcards you can mail or put out to promote the event. We also will have templates you can download off the website, soon. We'll show you how these work. We hope to have posters at this meeting, too. This year we're doing a large postering effort lead by Emily Garfield and Lucy Nadeau who will keep track of where you'll be putting them to avoid duplicate efforts. And you can sign up with Sarah Carlson to help get the mapbooks distributed.

We'll have tasty pizza for everyone, donated by Eat at Jumbos (big thanks!). You bring a refreshing beverage or six to share.
We're expecting a large group for this meeting, so if you can also bring some folding chairs, please do.

SOS Flatbread Fundraiser & Blue Cloud Gallery $100-Art-Spree Raffle
Tue, March 26 > 5pm - 11pm
Flatbread, 45 Day Street, Davis Square

Eat Tasty Flatbread, Support SOS!... A portion of all pizza sales this night (including delivery orders!) go to support Somerville Open Studios. Enter a raffle to win a $100 Local Art Shopping Spree at Blue Cloud Gallery in Ball Square. Come and enjoy the company of your favorite SOS artists and volunteers.

hope to see you soon!

open studios, sacco's bowl-haven, art, events

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