(Avengers Art) Private Bookmark? podfic cover

Nov 28, 2012 19:18

Title: Private Bookmark?
Fandom: Avengers (metafandom and silliness)

This is the podfic cover for Dapatty's awesome reading of Private Bookmark? by storiesfortravellers. From time to time I flail at Dapatty about a story I think has to be read aloud because it is just that funny. This was one of those and POOF! Podfic...in my inbox! It's magic! You are magic, girl!

The Avengers discover that there are fans who write explicit RPF fic about them.

Some of them are very confused. Some are proud. Some don't understand why everyone writes the pairings who aren't together but hardly anyone writes the couple who actually is together.

Much silliness ensues.

Link to podfic: http://archiveofourown.org/works/575032?view_adult=true
Link to fanfic: http://archiveofourown.org/works/494665

avengers, my art, pod fic

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