Miriachi Mansons

May 13, 2012 14:25

Searching for the truth can take me down roads I could have never fathomed weeks before I find myself on the crux of an Idea. Late night searches hammering away at conspiracies taking me down rabbit holes and quantum leaps in spirituality while lieing in bed trying to validate my discomfort with the counterfeit world isn't too unusual. It's been a while since my last confession Journal,.....don't expect me to crunch everything in an 8 by 10 sheet so easy , i think its best i just rool with the current times and reflect later on all the other madness another day...I need to force myself to make an effort into writing more.
I find lies in everything, and shallow callow eyes in everyone........what makes me even more aggitated is conversation think pieces that entertain an idea or revolution in the mundane assembly mechanics people enslave their lives in cannot even conjure up an opinion at the opening thoughts to my troubles,.....So i find myself like a steaming kettle swarming with all these ideas, and noone can even give their perception ,........and my only answer to this lack of spark that triggers a function in their mind is that,.........People are just Empty.
I deal with it and move on.
Doesn't matter...
Adapt move forward. fuck Ying and Ching,.....Darwin fuck you too ..

I've implanted an idea into reality , attached to it was algorithms of numeric possibilities and probobilities for a way to ease my discomfort and allow me to creatively function in a matrix ruled by numers checks and balances ....thats about as far as ill go to explain.
Sweating out the beast of venom from my system In some AA meetings they call that kind of shit practicing sobriety as yielded in some good nourishing effects.
My mind and thoughts are more rampant and spontaneous than ever before I've notice,... So i plan on taking advantage of it.
This was going somewhere ................oh yeah the truth that hardly exist.
Now I hate to tie the word truth and Manson in the same sentence, but from my observations from how the media props and destroys individulas at its discretion i can only be skeptical.
The idiot box television is the mind controling Mob God that pulls the conscious strings of opinion and reality in the morons that are hypnotized by it.
You only know what you know cause either your drunken dad sat you down and gave you a lecturing or your mom made the time to explain a few nuggets of her failures in life that she pushes onto to you now.
Friends will tell you like it is, but their wisdom is about as valid and thin as the alcohol that courses thru their veins.
Information currently to day is divulged in bits and pieces from an electric box.......but who controls the information?
The box can mold and create a perception for you before with great direction and conviction making it easy for you to not ever use your little brain and draw your own ideas.
i can go on and on ......................the truth is slowly coming to only what i can see hear or touch,.......
I get tired of people giving out information without ever refrencing it and coming off like a fucking idiot parroting zombie .............
WHy do people and why did the media create this image of manson being a fucking crazed lunatic?
I found myself sitting thru hours and hours of interviews and i hate the fact the television did a good job and changing and altering my decision before i could do it for myself.
And thats my observation from this thought here.
the box molding the perception for you...before you can
my own fault as a child was watching the movies being indoctrinated under relegion and being terrified from heavan and hell to understand what was going on ..
so I just sat in on some interviews just open minded and without judgement , and the man is free in thought but i cant sense insane.
I'm not to become a follower,.....i can expand on other examples how the box favored other criminals and they walked free,.............
so what troubled me the most was this
here you have a man who ordered his members to carry out a mission to kill for him without dirtying his hands .....and whether you like it or not he cannot be labled a killer cause at no time did he stab shot or fuck slap anyone
...........What he was found guilty of is no different than what a Man in a Suit does when he sends troops to attack an alleged enemy in the name of freedom and democracy under God
,.............whats the fucking difference?
Jon texted me with my argument that we didnt elect Manson
tired of tying
collectinf samples in new mexico botanicals and fauna to try in understaying if not break the code in life.......
ohhh being approached by a mexican miriachi at the race tracks was flattering under my metro mindset but the cocaine was the worst of it
im still working on my consumption
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