Real fast because my battery is going dead at the bar

Jul 30, 2009 14:39

Ok brush up real quick,...I met and befriended a conservative drunken liberal lawyer chick at pappaduexs restaurant while eating oysterswhich doesnt make any fucking sense as did her view in politics,......then i met some girl later on that day whose name was one of a kind ..Fairen..who claimed to be a computer hacker and claims that her last boyfriend from cali where shes from , supposedly his dad was the charater named Warshack in the horrible never ending movie the Watchmen,...some how my drunk ass told her i promised to help her with her a/c unit that is fucked up in her car??.........she was actually pretty cool,..from what blurriness i do remember,..but and i mean BUt the fuck up!!........this leo has my complete undived attention ,..i met her through my cousin and shes puerta rican and 21 and laughs at all my bad jokes,..and,.......i see her as more of a challenge than the other 2 i mentioned,..and well just see what happens,.......

imagine if i really .....

thought about it
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