times are fuzzucked up

Aug 02, 2008 09:14

i will catch her silence, in the depth of my heart its violence
theres something bout her eye
maybe its the way that it watches with caution
its the glare in her stare that sways her balance
shes sweet like heaven sky

through out all this destruction of mankind the eath our souls hang in this fucking balance light and dark are bouncing off each other causing so much great friction throughout the universe and glimmers of love are still out there that might be strong enough to prevail from this enslavement we are trapped in ,.......i find this deep passsion , this long deep life long desire in the center of my heart to the very essence of my soul to channel farther into my mind to trigger the warrior of love peace and righteousness to vanquish any such dark force that strickens and defies all that is pure and is innocent......

no one is to understand what im saying right now, we have all on the plane been manipulated and brain washed from the beginning of our lives before we opened out eyes at birth to understand our subconscious and what is true to our spirit,.....We have all forgotten the path the way and the light,....the materials and pleasures of this world that are squeezed from the tit of the beast which you claim and accept as life is what has rotten your teeth and soul and wisdom to grow and evolve any farther than what that electronic picture tube of demonic subliminal messaging t.v. screen tells you....
i am mre alive than ive ever been
more alive to stay alive and fight for lives that have been stolen

aside from my own struggles,
i believe ive found my second heart
shanna is her name

ill take away her silence
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