Hard times...

Nov 16, 2004 12:49

Many of my friends are facing difficult situations at the moment.  I hope they all know I care about them, here is a story I like to think ofwhen I am at my lowest.

A man was walking with his donkey through a field when the donkey stumbled and fell into an old well that had become overgrown.  The bottom of the well was dry and had seriously injured the donkey in the fall.  The poor beast was braying loudly in pain and fright.  The man knew that he could not hope to rescue the donkey, he had no means to lift such a large animal: so he decided to put the donkey out of its misery, and he began throwing rocks down into the well.

As each rock struck the donkey it brayed louder and louder but after a time the donkey toppled over and fell silent.  The man stopped throwing rocks and poured a few buckets of earth into the well to cover the animal.

Eventually the donkey came round and felt the mud and rocks covering it, it was in considerable pain but it shook itself and tried to stand.  At first it was unable, the pain crippled it and it fell back down.  But after a few attempts it got to its feet.  As the donkey stood, it shook itself and the soil and rocks fell from its back to the gound.  The donkey turned around in the well looking for an escape and as it turned it stepped upon the rocks and soil.  No exit was to be found and so the donkey cried out again.

A woman passing by heard the distress calls and went to see if she could help.  On looking down and seeing the injured donkey she decided the best course of action would again be to put the animal out of its misery.  She called to a friend for help and soon they were both hurling rocks and earth at the injured donkey.  Again the donkey fell and was covered with debris.

The donkey slowly roused,  got up and shook off the mud and rocks.  It was agony but again it trod upon the rocks and mud, and began calling out for help.  Once more  someone came and threw rocks and earth.  The determined donkey survived, shook off the detritus that was on its back and too a step up onto it.  Little by little the donkey took step by step, shaking off all that was thrown on it and stepping up, until eventually it was free from the well.

I don't know who wrote this, but this is my adaption, please tell me if you know

So when you're feeling down, dont let the crap on top off you keep you there.  Shake it off and use it as a stepping stone to get where you want to go.  Yes people will keep hurling stuff at you, but climb on top, use it as a way up.  Each time you fall there is always something you can gain from it.  In fact in every situation there is something positive, no matter how small.  Yes it may not be enough to balance out the bad side but as long as you take that little bit of good the you are taking that step up over the shit that was ontop of you, and with each step you get further out of the hole you are in.

Good luck!
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