Jan 12, 2005 14:47
my life sucks monkey balls! i hate this shit. we are ok one moment but then the next...we dont talk..WTF! people these days are jus ignorant..well only some... well today was like no other...finals. they are fucking gay..its not even funny! i hate math. it can go suck a cock in hell. i need someone to talk about things to..not somethings but like EVERYTHING.. i jus cant seem to find the right person to tell these things that are on my mind to. there are like only 2 that i really trust. and 1 that i can trust. but it seems like im the one that is being hated on today..no one is talking to me.... but i need to talk. wtf! n then they are like how come you dont talk to me, that is BULL SHIT! well if off to do nothing..prolly sit here thinking about "things"...