Aug 24, 2004 02:28
Ahhhh well what to say what to talk about, ummm my dad had another heart procedure done the other day, and he is doing good so that makes me happy, my mom and I are getting along really well specially since I dont live in the same state with her, so that is even better, I do miss Texas, just cause that is what I was use to, hell I only lived there for 23yrs, but I love Orlando, I love that I get to see my gf, whenever I want, and I dont have to leave her at the airport security and cry and her cry.. But all is well for me... Me and Amy went shopping we got three new fish, well one is a sucker fish and the other two are umm I dont really know just little fish, and we bought chloe some new treats, and a toy, and I didnt forget about my little bubs who is living with bj for now, I got him some new toys as well, he is weird he wont eat cat treats, so instead when he is being good, I give him and olive or a piece of a pickle he loves the juice, go figure, and he also loves salsa,, and hot sauce weird I know but I love him,,, ahh here comes chloe, she is so shy but she finally likes me, I am the one who sneaks around givin her the cat treats all the time,, yay.. she is a pretty cat, she is just so shy, but now that she is use to me she is good... Well that is all for now, night lj world....