Frank Miller on Talk of the Nation

Jan 29, 2007 22:03

The following exchange occurred between comic book legend Frank Miller and Talk of the Nation host Neal Conan in a segment about the State of the Union .

Frank Miller: People say "why did we attack Iraq," for instance. Well, we’re taking on an idea. Nobody questions why after Pearl Harbor we attacked Nazi Germany. It’s because we were taking on a form of global fascism. We’re doing the same thing now.

Neal Conan: Germany did declare war on us.

Frank Miller: So did Iraq.

Umm… when did Iraq declare war on us? It really bothers me when someone I have so much respect for and who is obviously very intelligent says something, not just that I disagree with, but that is so baseless and uninformed.  Even Bush said in 2005 that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Who at this point thinks Iraq attacked us?

This wasn't even the most ignorant thing Miller said. I was actually shocked by his racist and inflammatory remarks. The complete audio can be heard here. Millers segment runs from 30:00 to 36:00.

politics, media

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