You know, it's been a while since I've written anything here on Livejournal, this is mostly due to the fact that for a while I completely forgot about it. I failed to set it up in my home tabs in my browser so this is like the first time I've looked this journal in ages.
Life has been life, it hasn't been exceedingly great nor has it been overly depressing. Since my last post I've gotten back together with, been engaged to and then broken up with one of my EX's. I've been to San Antionio and gotten to spend time with my family whom I dearly miss seeing on a regular basis, espeically my little Niece Katy. My brother got deployed to Iraq, but thankfully he's coming back sometime in the next two months give or take Lastly my Grand Father to whom I was not particualrly close to for a whole host of self-absorbed idiotic childish reasons, died.
I don't know if I'll be posting anything more here or not, just thought I'd throw out an update for any who might care :)
Also if you're on facebook or myspace and want one more friend to add to your list look me up
Facebook: Myspace: I check both of those daily, so if you really need to keep track of me that'll be the simplest way of doing so. You could also email me but that's like so last century.