Ok, it's been somewhat crasy since I last posted, I'll start by saying that the job is going great, I'm almost through the probationary 90 period and I'll be getting my PTO just in time for the holidays which is cool. Means I won't have to take anymore unpaid days to go see my folks and stuff.
Outside of work is where all the "fun" has been, I won't go into all the gorey details but lets just put it this was, there's not a rollercoaster in the world that's got anything on my personal life over the last month or two. I mean it's been a serious series of ups and downs and twists and turns. And odd as it sounds I've enjoyed it, sure not all of it, but the lows have made the highs that much higher, relativeity ROCKS!
Here's to hoping that this christmas and New Years is up to the standard... I suspect it will be, but only time will tell.
That said, a quiz I ganked from my boy Sokar... read and enjoy I know I did :P