Want to send a message to your relatives living 50,000 years from now? This is pretty cool. Read on;
"The KEO satellite is a satellite space time capsule which will be launched in the end of year 2007 or 2008 carrying messages from the citizens of present Earth to humanity 50,000 years from now, when the satellite orbiting Earth will return.
Every person is invited to write a message addressed to the future inhabitants - the deadline is December 31, 2006. Messages can be keyed-in on the web, or sent by postal mail. The organisers encourage everybody to gather messages from children, senior citizens and the illiterate so that every culture and demographic on Earth is represented. The satellite has enough capacity to carry a four-page message from each of the more than six billion inhabitants on the planet. Once the satellite is launched, the messages with personal names removed will be made freely available on the web.
KEO will also carry a diamond that encases a drop of human blood and samples of air, sea water and earth. The DNA of the human genome will be engraved on one of the faces. The satellite will also carry an astronomical clock that shows current rotation rates of several pulsars; photographs of people of all cultures; and a "Contemporary library of Alexandria", an encyclopaedic compendium of current human knowledge. The messages and library will be encoded in glass-made radiation-resistant DVDs. Symbolic instructions in several formats will show the future finders how to build a DVD reader, which may no longer exist 50,000 years from now.
It will be launched by an Ariane 5 rocket into an orbit 1,800km high, an altitude that will bring it back to Earth in 500 centuries, the same amount of time that has elapsed since early humans started to draw in cavern walls."
MY MESSAGE to My Future Relatives, [if they exist];
"I hope that in your time, humanity has finally learned to live peacefully together. Earth is such a small place, compared to what is out there.
I hope that space travel is easy and liberating. I have always wished to travel in space. It always fascinated me. However, as I write this on July 30th 2006, humanity must focus on its own problems before leaving the planet!
What can I tell you about myself? I was born [September 28th 1985] and raised in Swords, Dublin Ireland. I have/had big dreams and hopes for the future. I guess you will know whether or not I accomplished my dreams!
Please don't stop dreaming. That's what makes us human. I hope and dream that we are not alone in this vast universe and that when other intelligent life is found we shall respect it and be at peace with it. Unity is the greatest power of all."
Want to leave your message? Do. Visit;