
Jan 19, 2008 11:31

So yeah yesterday a hectic day and all. Lets see woke up to a busy thins to do day. Had to take the bridesmaid to their fitting. Thankfully every one showed up which made everything a lot easier for me. They actually thought a dress I picked was good since I gave them three choices. In some kind of purple that is. And lets see found maria my maid of honor something cute and very great for her. The girls kept changing their minds so went with a last choice which they didn't have in the color I wanted so yeah had to make them all have the same color. Not that bad but doable. Then went to lunch had a few laughs then d'or where I got my after party take the gown off. Then rainbows to look for shoes which they needed and didn't want to pay that much. Tired after that so decided to hitch up and go home. That was great except didn't get no sleep at all till 5 and that was me being restless and worried about wedding not cool, now got bags under my eyes not attractive at all.

And on monday i have to pay attention specifically to world events to make sure I have something decent to write for this history paper that is so stupid about what happens that day. Why can't he be normal and be like read about history and write something as usual hlep my day. Oh well got sign off.

Blessed Be all.

live each day till its your last.

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