Yar. Blue is the new black ^_~
Anyway, new info: I applied for and got FEMA money. I got the check on monday, and I deposited it into a local account yesterday. I've got a little start-up money now; all I need now is to get a job so I can know what kind of apartment I can afford. Once that's done, I can settle into a new life. However, I've tried getting a job in Seguin, but the job market there, frankly, doesn't exist. So, I think I'm going to have to go to San Antonio, or worse yet, Austin, to find a job.
However, once I get on my feet and get a little vacation saved up, there are certain people in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area that I plan on visiting. ^_^ You know who you are. Anyway, I also need to go to Georgia at some point, and California, as well. If I hadn't been out of it for so long I might have tried to make it to AWA, but I have no hope of doing that now. :( Oh well. Such is life.
I think I'm starting to fall for someone again, and it's not a good idea. Long-distance relationships don't work. :/ She wouldn't take me back anyhow.
Lala, I think that's all for this one.
Peace and love, folks, Peace and love. ^_^
Oh, if you're interested in reading the journal I was writing in before I figured out how to get here, here's the link:
Jas' other journal.<\a>