Jan 31, 2004 18:06
Well, it has been awhile since i posted a message, mostly because i am a slave bee, slaving away to the insanity that the world dishes out with a bronze spoon. Furthermore, I have been immersed with my artwork. I have gotten so much better at guitar since i moved out of my sisters place. When I sit down with my guitar i feel like my soul moves into my finger tips and dances underneath my nails, dancing an unstopable riff that can only end when i die. Also, when I sit down with an idea i have for a film or a scene I leave my counciousness ,zone out and begin my previsualization. From there i just build a world from the ground up. Cuz that is what i do as an artist. I create another world, a world meant for a screen. I have heard people talk about opium and from what i gather the opium trip is simiar to what i do when i write stuff. Did you know that Edgar Allen Poe and almost any other writer 1800s did copious amounts of Opium? I am not sure why i got all creative all of the sudden but i cant complain. I havent been very creative before last week. Ever since i left my muse i have been dry. The dryness hurt, I could actually feel my heart age and begin to crack.