May 04, 2011 14:28
I was wondering how popular certain words were and decided to use Google to find out. I typed in the single word and hit search. This was triggered by a video by Osho that said that fuck was more popular than God. As they used to say on Eurovision "Here are the results of the Google jury."
People 5,035,000,000 81
Love 3,570,000,000 384
Life 3,310,000,000 154
War 1,150,000,000 304
Hate 1,090,000,000 3,107
God 853,000,000 376
Death 732,000,000 454
Fuck 468,000,000 5,598
Peace 419,000,000 1,155
Truth 348,000,000 1,246
Lies 182,000,000 1,947
Terror 168,000,000 5,282
Fear 57,400,000 1,137
And then I discovered wordcount, which lists the words by most frequent use. Their rank in wordcount is given in blue above. From the Google search the top three are People Love Life. However if we look at the most popular by wordcount we get People Life War.
The answer to Osho is, of course, that God has not been replaced by fuck: Almost double the count on Google and rank 376 as opposed to rank 5,598 in wordcount. But then Osho was not interested in the data, he was being controversial to get a point across.