Five years (really, this time)

Aug 06, 2011 21:00

It's our fifth wedding anniversary! The drive was uneventful after getting out of the ghastly Boston-escaping traffic on Friday afternoon, and it took us about five hours with two stops. Today, we've had a soak in a very large bathtub, been pounded by an artificial waterfall and been rubbed with various things, gone out to dinner, and Whitney is now watching some programme about people being eaten by sharks. (Phrase just drifted over from the television cabinet: "A significant portion of her buttocks had been removed by its teeth".)

We've also spent some time on the "executive" golf course (which if I were an estate agent I would probably call "compact" rather than "executive"). Due to Whitney's remarkable speed at getting into it and my slight rustiness after a ten-year gap since having last played, we finished +17 and +16 respectively, so my uncle-granted handicap of 14 still seems to be a pretty good guess. Then we went to the pool area, where the bar man was being competed for by a collection of nine or ten girls, one of whom is getting married somewhere else in the building now.

Anyway, have another picture of the kittens.

I haven't officially been told their names yet, but they went up on my sister's Facebook account under the name "Biggles and Josie". Next week, I might have information on how to actually tell them apart.


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