The Comedy of Life

Nov 21, 2010 13:19

It occurred to me this morning just what incredible new depths of patheticness I am plumbing with my life at the moment. I am the only person in the world who has attempted to go on holiday, found that too stressful and gone back to work instead. Yesterday, I attended my most tragic birthday celebration ever, on the other end of a Skype call to my family-in-law who had gone to the trouble of organizing a cake for me with the Scottish flag on it, from a Mexican-run bakery called The Taste of Denmark.

But talking to them made me feel slightly better, and I feel that at least having a plan to fix this is a start. I am sort of adverse to medication, not in a Christian Scientist/Delphi kind of way, but... well, I remember when I was in third year of university the first years who moved up all sounded like so many chapters from a self-help book and were on medication for things that I would have thought were better just toughening up and getting over, but having gone through such an episode... I can understand it's because I never wanted to admit to it. Shame and disgrace over mental unrest, and... etcetera.

Anyway. Good things to occupy myself with during my unexpected week alone - guess who's in the latest of these Click community casts (at about 10:40 in this video):

image Click to view

Apart from anything else, I am frankly amazed at how offensively appalling my graphics were six years ago. J Freude's graphics really help the game (and there are some from a couple of other artists in the community there as well), and it's thanks to their lead that the game looks so dramatically different now. Now to get it finished by the date promised in the video...

And tonight at 10pm on the History Channel for some reason, the Americans are going to try their hand at Top Gear. That's going to be good, isn't it.

crystal towers 2, ill, travel

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