There will be an informal memorial gathering to remember and celebrate the life of Kate Yule on January 28, 2017, from 2pm to 5pm, at the Fulton Park Community Center, 68 SW Miles St., Portland, OR 97219 ( We will be providing more details and requesting RSVPs soon, but I wanted to let you know as soon as the date was nailed down. Anyone who knew and loved Kate is welcome to attend.
I'm doing okay, mostly. I'm still dealing with grief but I no longer feel like I'm carrying the shattered pieces of myself around in my hands. I'm keeping busy, spending time with friends, traveling (at the moment I'm at the airport, heading for a few days in San Diego with friends who have a condo there, and I also have travel plans for Christmas and New Year's), and seeing a counselor. I am lonely but not alone. Thank you all for your help and support over the last two very difficult years.