I was listening to the commentary for Cyberwoman last night (actually at 2 in the morning when I was bored, but whatever) and I knew I was going to have to share my connents because Gareth is amazing.
He describes the story of how he had to lay in the water (filled with worms and dirt and other pleasant things) in the Hub for two days and then shortly after they filmed this episode the production crew/producers decided they wanted the water to be clean and removed all of the nastiness and added a filter. Gareth, I love when you bitch.
During the part in the episode when Lisa (!) suggests that that Ianto's brain be put in her body Gareth makes a joke about Lisa taking cyber sex too far. My thoughts exactly!
And apparently Ianto had a line that was cut out in which he replies, "No, but that's sick." Yeah, cause nothing else about being a cyberwoman is.... oh Ianto.
Also according to Gareth, "In the future there might be book scanners that can open doors." Yes, obviously.
"WHERE'S THE COLESLAW?!?!?!?"- Gareth writes it off as realism. And that she deserves to die because she isn't good at her job. Ouch. But then he comments on what a great actress she was, so that makes it okay. He even went so far as to say "She was breaking my heart." And thanks to Tosh that phrase always makes me sad...
Gareth also mentioned that he was sad he doesn't get an automatic gun when every other character does, saying "I WANT MY LITTLE BIT!"