exquisite & fastidious

Apr 21, 2005 09:59

ex·qui·site Audio pronunciation of "exquisite" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kskw-zt, k-skwzt)

1. Characterized by intricate and beautiful design or execution: an exquisite chalice.
2. Of such beauty or delicacy as to arouse intense delight: an exquisite sunset. See Synonyms at delicate.
3. Excellent; flawless: plays the piano with exquisite technique.
4. Acutely perceptive or discriminating: “Blind dolphins have been known to survive in the wild, guided by exquisite acoustic images of their prey".
5. Intense; keen: suffered exquisite pain.
6. Obsolete. Ingeniously devised or thought out.


One who is excessively fastidious in dress, manners, or taste.

[Middle English exquisit, carefully chosen, from Latin exqustus, past participle of exqurere, to search out : ex-, ex- + quaerere, to seek.]exqui·site·ly adv.
exqui·site·ness n.

ex·qui·site (kskw-zt, k-skwzt)

Extremely intense, keen, or sharp. Used of pain or tenderness.

Main Entry: ex·qui·site
Pronunciation: ik-'skwiz-&t, ek-
Function: adjective
: ACUTE 2a : INTENSE 1 -ex·qui·site·ly /-lE/ adverb


adj 1: intense or sharp; "suffered exquisite pain"; "felt exquisite pleasure" [syn: keen] 2: lavishly elegant and refined [syn: recherche] 3: of delicate composition and artistry; "a dainty teacup"; "an exquisite cameo" [syn: dainty] 4: of extreme beauty; "her exquisite face"

fas·tid·i·ous Audio pronunciation of "fastidious" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (f-std-s, f-)

1. Possessing or displaying careful, meticulous attention to detail.
2. Difficult to please; exacting.
3. Excessively scrupulous or sensitive, especially in matters of taste or propriety. See Synonyms at meticulous.
4. Microbiology. Having complicated nutritional requirements.

[Middle English, squeamish, particular, haughty, from Old French fastidieux, from Latin fastdisus, from fastdium, squeamishness, haughtiness, probably from fastus, disdain.]fas·tidi·ous·ly adv.
fas·tidi·ous·ness n.

fas·tid·i·ous (f-std-s, f-)

1. Possessing or displaying careful, meticulous attention to detail.
2. Difficult to please; exacting.
3. Having complex nutritional requirements. Used of microorganisms.

Main Entry: fas·tid·i·ous
Pronunciation: fa-'stid-E-&s, f&-
Function: adjective
: having complex nutritional requirements -used of bacteria that grow only in specially fortified artificial culture media


adj 1: giving and careful attention to detail; hard to please; excessively concerned with cleanliness; "a fastidious and incisive intellect"; "fastidious about personal cleanliness" [ant: unfastidious] 2: having complicated nutritional requirements; especially growing only in special artificial cultures; "fastidious microorganisms"; "certain highly specialized xerophytes are extremely exacting in their requirements" [syn: exacting] [ant: unfastidious]
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