Darkstar, The Winter Guard, and Bill Mantlo
Darkstar and the Winter Guard #3 arrives in comic stores this week. The series has been an absolute joy to write! It is filled with bravado and bluster and has a bear riding on the back of a winged-dinosaur-like-creature. Good fun all around! So, I'd like to thank Steve, Scott, Val, Scott, and Jordan for all of their hard work. They really made this mini-series come alive.
But there is someone else I would like to thank. In fact, this book wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for his extraordinary efforts. Thank you, Bill Mantlo. You see, during his prolific career in comics, Bill brought a his remarkable talents to books like ROM, THE INCREDIBLE HULK, and the CHAMPIONS -- and he inspired a generation of comics readers, like myself.
Tragically, Bill has suffered through some hardships over the last few years - and now requires 24-hour long-term nursing care. And I would like to encourage anyone who bought DARKSTAR & THE WINTER GUARD -- or enjoyed Bill's tremendous contributions to the Marvel Universe to make a donation to his care. I hope we can all give back to him, what he gave to us. Those wishing to make direct donations to Bill Mantlo's long-term can do so through the address below:
Michael Mantlo
425 Riverside Dr #12-E
New York, NY 10025
Thank you for your consideration and your support,
David Gallaher