HIGH MOON: The Final Act Starts TONIGHT!

May 13, 2008 10:38

Tonight, at sundown, the FINAL ACT in the werewolf western epic, HIGH MOON begins!

Here's what other people are saying about the webcomic series:

  • “The highest compliment I can pay this comic is that by the end I found myself needing and wanting more. ... (Grade: A)” - WeeklyComicBookReview.Com

  • "It's Sergio Leone's THE HOWLING starring Clint Eastwood.  If that doesn't appeal to you, then seriously: seek help."

  • "High Moon reminds me of the work of Sam Keith - the legend behind titles such as The Maxx. Yet it retains a vibrant life that is all its own. Every panel and every page is an artwork."
    - Paul Caggegi, THE PROCESS DIARY

Read the webcomic that has been profiled by the likes of:

Remember, HIGH MOON updates fortnightly only on Zuda.
Every update brings us closer to the showdown at sundown!

webcomics, high moon, zuda, comics

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