Lottery winners from Hell

Nov 06, 2007 14:55

A couple from Hell won a £55,000 lottery jackpot - on Hallowe'en.

John and Sue Wilson live in Hell, a town 45 miles west of Detroit, Michigan, reports the Press & Argus.

The couple knew their numbers had been drawn but didn't realise it had been held on Halloween until they claimed their prize two days later.

"How cool is that?" Mrs Wilson, 43, said. "We live in Hell and won it on Halloween."

The couple said they plan on paying off bills, DIY projects around the home, visiting relatives and buying a Nintendo Wii for their 13-year-old son John.

"It's not $200 million or anything - it's not going to change our life, but it's something to say, 'OK, we're going to have a good Christmas,' " said Mr Wilson, an electrician.


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