Why people get pissed off...

Jun 08, 2007 11:06

(100% stolen from badpauly)

Hotel heiress Paris Hilton was let out of jail and placed under house arrest on Thursday after serving three days of a three-week sentence, sparking debate about whether her fame worked for or against her.
Officials said Hilton, 26, a symbol of privilege and the excesses of America's celebrity culture, was set free with an electronic bracelet attached to her ankle to track her movements and ordered confined to her house for 40 days.

Los Angeles County sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said on Thursday that Hilton was "reassigned" to the county's Community-Based Alternatives to Custody (CBAC) program for medical reasons after "extensive consultations" with doctors at the jail and others, including the sentencing judge.

He declined to reveal the health issues involved. The syndicated TV show "Entertainment Tonight," citing sources close to Hilton's family, said on its Web site that Hilton had developed a rash on her body, while celebrity Web site TMZ.com said her problem was psychological. TMZ cited unidentified law enforcement sources as saying a psychiatrist who visited her in jail on Wednesday found she was in danger of suffering a nervous breakdown.

Now read this...

A 27-year-old quadriplegic man sentenced to serve ten days in a Washington, DC jail on charges that he possessed a minor amount of marijuana died while in custody last week due to inadequate health care, including prison officials' failure to provide him with a ventilator.

The victim, Jonathan Magbie, had been paralyzed from the neck down since the age of four, was unable to breath on his own, and required nursing care 20 hours a day.

Magbie was sentenced to spend ten days in jail on September 20, 2004 after pleading guilty to one charge of marijuana possession. Though prosecutors had recommended probation, the judge in the case ordered Magbie to serve jail time - noting that the defendant had told pre-sentence investigators that he would continue using marijuana because it made him feel better.

In a smart, moralistic, caring world would be braying for blood with shit like this happening every day.

Except we don't live in that world.


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