Shulamit Izen at Brown University’s Hillel
A Flood of Homophobia, a Davar Torah on Parashat Noach, Rabbi David Mitchellresponds to the recent spate of young gay men taking their own lives (including Rutgers student Tyler Clementi, who jumped to his death from the George Washington Bridge) by asking us, as individuals and the Jewish community collectively, what we are doing to prevent such tragic deaths. His answer is not nearly enough.
I encourage my readers to read Rabbi Mitchell’s Davar Torah as well as my June 2009 article Neighborhoods 101: How inclusive and welcoming toward LGBT Jews is your shul?and think about what you can do to make young gay Jews feel welcome and accepted in our community.
Also read
Do Not Stand Idly By: A Jewish Community Pledge to Save Lives, sign
the pledge, and read
Ten Things You Can Do Today to Strengthen Our Community.
And view the trailer to the film
Hineni about
Shulamit Izen, a lesbian student who founded a gay-straight alliance at her Jewish high school.
For more info:
David Cooper