Steering wheel included!

Oct 21, 2004 21:10

I BOUGHT A NEW CAR TODAY!!!! Yes, I said I, and with my own money too!!! I had some mullah stashed away from what I collected from my insurance company after some bitch totaled my last car last year. Though it was only enough for a decent down payment and I’ll still be paying this baby off for the rest of my life (5 years). Which car did I get I hear you ask?

A 2004 Chevrolet Cavalier BABY!!!!!! Granted it’s not a sunfire or a real badboy but its light years better than my P.O.S. ghettomobile valued at and I quote “no value” according to Kelly Blue Book. Just because it’s been totaled 3 times (only one of which I participated in) and it has duck tape holding it together and a salvaged title that’s not street legal doesn’t mean it’s a worthless piece of shit, right? Who am I kidding, yes it does. So a 2004 of any make or model, or for that matter, ANY transportation device would be an improvement considering I am a poor college student without a job, which brings me to my next announcement. I just got hired at a job! WOOHOO! I’m gunna work as a senior executive consumer consultant/register engineer/stock coordinator/head visual and creative director at the prestigious Bag’n Baggage store at Barton Creek Square. Ok so “officially” I’m just a sales associate, but my many other creative faculties and talents will surely establish themselves as necessary assets for the company I’m sure.
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