"What about you? Ever ridden a horse?"

Jul 08, 2009 01:56

Title: Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy!
Author: daviddesrosiers
Pairing: P/D obviously.
Rating: NC-17
POV: Third
Summary: A short smut fic based on the Calgary show that happened last night that was fueled by these photos. (Cowboy hats, boys? Seriously? My poor, poor dirty brain!) No plot, really. Humor involved.
Warnings: Obscene language. Graphic sex.
Disclaimer: Oh how I wish I owned them. But I don't. So don't sue me. Merci beaucoup!
Dedication: To simpleplan for sparking the idea and onnaboat for giving me the 411 on the boys yesterday at the show and passing along a message from me to David!<3
Authors Notes: A part of me really didn't like how this came out because it started straying from the direction I wanted it to go, but something tells me that it's good enough to post so I figure I might as well because I hate starting works and then never finishing them. Biggest pet peeve of mine. So I hope you guys enjoy it!
*ALSO* Yes, I am still working on I Don't Know How To Get It Back To Good and I'm about three-fourths done with the next chapter so that'll be posted soon! I didn't forget about it, incase anyone is wondering!

"So Pierre, I hear you like groping horses."

The singer and bassist of Simple Plan walked into the hotel room they were sharing for the night in Alberta, a few hours after their show in Calgary ended, David bouncing off over to where his bed was, giggling at his own joke.

"Oh shut up David," he rolled his eyes, sighing. "It wasn't even funny the first time you said it." Pierre flicked on the light switch and the whole room lit up, the older man's eyes focusing on the younger kicking off the shoes that were on his feet to get comfortable. Though comfortable didn't exactly mean sleeping, he looked like he was far from tired.

Making a face, David stood up again and walked over to where the singer was standing. "Au contraire, mon ami..." Taking the cowboy hat that David had brought with him from the concert and set down at the table near the door, he picked it up once again and placed it on Pierre's head. "You were the one who said it first. I was just repeating it." With a wink, David tapped the front of the hat so it slid down to Pierre's nose, averting his eyes from sight.

The singer laughed as he tilted the hat back up to see again, amused at the other (like always), but a small groan quickly followed. "You made me sound like I enjoy bestiality or some shit like that in front of that whole crowd, you sick bastard."

David just cackled, thoroughly entertained. "Nah. What happened with the golden dreams of being a cowboy though, Bouvier?" He teased, fully knowing the other made up the story at the show strictly for amusement because, well, Pierre could be a big idiot sometimes. Nudging the other in the ribs, David was getting a little too close to the singer but they were used to these games by now. It was never awkward.

Making a face, Pierre scoffed.

"I don't like horses."

The teasing continued.

"Do you have like...an irrational fear of them or something?"

Pierre threw David a quizzical look. "No? I just don't like them."

"Ever ridden one before?" David asked, eyes not on the singer's face anymore but instead looking down at where his hands ended up, playing at the hem of the other's shirt. Pierre looked down and watched the bassist's slim, nimble fingers play with the lowest button on the shirt, slipping it out of the hole and then back in. After doing this a few times he left the button out of the hole, moving up to the one above it.

"Yeah, a long time ago...not one of my fondest memories."

"What happened?" Hazel connected with brown as David looked up again, an amused glint in his eyes, fingers still slowly undoing the older man's shirt. "The horse throw you off?"

"Something like that," Pierre replied back, but clearly didn't want to elaborate or go further into the conversation of his past. "What about you? Ever ridden a horse?"


Pierre blinked, shocked.



The stunned look on Pierre's face didn't change and David's nose scrunched up, confused. The actions with his hands and fingers sort of halted and dropped down to rest at the singer's belt buckle.

"Is it really a big deal that I haven't? There aren't many ranches in Matane...just a shitload of water and after I passed the age of like...nine I didn't feel the need or have a sudden urge to ride a horse."

Pierre shrugged. "I just thought everyone tried as a kid. Kind of like ice skating..."

The bassist's fingers traced along the area of skin that he just exposed by undoing the bottom three buttons of the singer's shirt, the tips of his index fingers running along the area of skin below Pierre's navel. The singer visibly shuddered at the contact. David grinned.

"Well I did the ice skating."

"Still not horseback riding, though."

Sighing exasperatedly, David shot the other a look. He was trying to turn him on, but he kept talking about fucking horseback riding! The conversation should've been long over by now, the two of them in bed already. "Ouais, Pierre. We just went over this. What do you wanna do, go back over to the stampede and hijack a horse and put me on top of it?"

Unable to help himself, Pierre laughed, ignoring the annoyance that crossed over David's features (because the bassist thought the other was making fun of him) and reached to hook his thumbs in the belt loops of the other's skinny jeans, pulling him close.

"Nah, but I've got another idea about something you could ride."

A look of confusion swept over David's face before the realization sunk in and he let out a breathy laugh, taking a step closer into the singer, their hips and stomachs coming into complete contact. The annoyance in his face and eyes vanished.

"Oh you do, do you?"

"Mmm..." Pierre hummed, reaching up to the off the cowboy hat with one of his hands and planted it on the bassist's head, tipping it back slightly to still see his face and eyes. "Only if you feel like being a cowboy tonight."

David grinned, despite himself. "I guess I could try..."

As a final response, Pierre leaned in for a small kiss. Their lips brushed and they stood there unmoving for a moment, David hooking his arms around the singer's neck to make him bend down a little to make the kiss easier. The chasteness of the kiss didn't last too much longer, David licking passed Pierre's lips to intrude into his mouth, tangling with the singer's.

Walking backwards, Pierre made David follow him without breaking the lip lock by tugging at the grip he still had with his fingers through the belt loops of the jeans he was wearing until the backs of his legs hit the bed and he fell back to sit on it. The bassist didn't even need to be given direction of any kind, immediately straddling the other's waist and sitting down on his lap, hands moving to the singer's chest to push him to lie down, his back on the mattress. Pulling his lips away reluctantly, David gave a small flick of his tongue at the singer's swollen bottom lip before taking it between his teeth for a quick bite and let it go to take a breath and semi-compose himself. It was hard to gain complete composition whenever he was like this with Pierre, but he just needed a moment to breathe.

Looking down at the other, the cowboy hat he was wearing started to slip down to cover his eyes again, but he reached up to fix it, pressing it down over his head in an attempt to try and make it stay.

"Is keeping this on really necessary?" David huffed, clearly irritated.

"Yes. If you take it off, you'll ruin the fucking moment."

"Kinky fucker."

Pierre laughed and David just rolled his eyes. Putting his hands to better use, he reached down and started to undo the rest of the buttons left on the singer's shirt, Pierre licking his kiss-swollen lips as he looked up and watched the other go to work on undressing him. It didn't take long before the black shirt was completely unbuttoned and Pierre was sitting up slightly to help aid David in sliding it over his shoulders and down his arms. Once it was completely off, David threw it to the side of the bed, not giving a shit about it anymore.

Getting caught offguard, Pierre flipped the two of them over so he was on top, knocking the hat off of the bassist's head slightly, tilting it back. David's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he reached up to adjust it.

"But I thought--"

"Gotta undress you first," Pierre cut him off, knowing what he was trying to say before he even got halfway through the sentence.


David assumed that Pierre got a kick out of undressing him since the singer normally took his time with it (not like removing his pants was a task that could be quickly accomplished anyway) and he always seemed to want to do it. His hat was removed from his head and placed on the pillow next to him before Pierre's hands traveled back down to the other's waist and slid his hands up under his shirt. David's body twitched at the sudden contact of the singer's warm hands on his skin, the collision like fire burning into his stomach.

His whole body flushed hot.

Slipping his hands up his skin, David trembled anxiously beneath the touch as Pierre pulled the shirt up with him. Soon that was up and over his head, meeting the same fate as the older man's shirt, discarded and somewhere on the floor near the bed.

The hat was grabbed again and placed on top of David's head, the bassist grumbling in silent complaint, but he didn't say a word. Pierre stopped him from thinking anything about it by leaning down and flicking his tongue against his ear, the bassist practically purring in pleasure, toes curling slightly as the other dragged his tongue down his skin to his collarbone. It felt like a drag of a razor burn, a hot, wet trail and David's eyes closed, squirming against the bedspread as the other sucked at the hollow of his throat, leaving a light reddened mark.

Since his eyes were closed, David didn't really give a shit, but the hat slipped down again to cover his forehead and eyes as he tilted his head back, biting down on his bottom lip to help suppress a whimper that managed to escape his throat anyway.

Pierre's hand palmed the bassist's erection through the skin tight jeans, cupping the bulge and putting enough pressure to make the other groan out for him to do something more, something better. Fast. The singer obliged, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants in such a slow way that the noise sounded obscene to David's ears.

"Just take...my fucking pants off already..." he let out between pants of breath, eyes still closed, hat covering half of his face and Pierre smirked.

It was always such a fucking task to remove David's pants, Pierre thought he should win a gold medal or even a fucking nobel prize for being able to remove that shit from his body. This time it was no exception, it looked like his pants were honestly painted onto his legs to begin with. Managing to slide the jeans off of his hips and down his legs, Pierre peeled them off like a second skin and tossed them to the side. His socks came off next, Pierre not having to worry about removing underwear because, well, David didn't feel the need to actually wear underwear that night.

Halting his actions for a moment, Pierre sat up slightly, looking down at the now completely naked sans counting the cowboy hat still perched on top of David's freshly dyed raven hair, smirking to himself. The bassist flustered, body trembling and ready to be fucking touched already.

Removing his own pants, Pierre moved in record speed to get them off, tugging them down his hips along with his boxers to save time and kicked them off. Once they were gone and not to be worried about, the singer dived down to capture the other's lips in a kiss, plunging his tongue into his mouth eagerly as he hooked an arm around the other's tiny waist and brought him up off the bed, arching to make skin contact.

David could feel his mind practically melt away at the collision, moaning loud into the kiss, the sound getting swallowed up by Pierre's mouth, hips bucking up and feeling the other's cock slide against his own, slick with precum.

"Prep me," he hissed the command against the singer's lips, not being able to wait any longer. Teasing was unnecessary...at least this time around.

"Demanding..." Pierre teased back, a laugh tinting his voice, just enjoying watching the other get all flustered and huffy.

"Says the one who's ordering me to keep the fucking cowboy hat on..."

Good point.

Pierre didn't hesitate and broke away the lip lock to bring two fingers up into his mouth to suck on fervently, making sure to coat the digits the best he could with his saliva. David watched with eager eyes, both of Pierre's hands disappearing as he reached down and lifted the bassist's hips up off of the bed and slid a digit inside of him to coat his inner walls. Grunting in slight discomfort, David chewed on his bottom lip as he got used to the stretch and burn from the singer's one finger inside of him, deep and twisting down to the knuckle. Sucking in a breath, he calmed himself down, exhaling through his nose.


That's all David had to say before Pierre slipped in another finger, the bassist curling his leg around the other's waist to get situated better, his other foot flat against the bed. The singer started a quick motion of sliding his fingers in and out, past the tight ring of muscle when he felt David get a little more comfortable and ease down.

Biting his lip, eyebrows furrowed in concentration, Pierre curled his fingers to rub against David's prostate, the bassist's body jolting in a wave of shock and pleasure when his digits tapped against the sensitive spot.

"Yeah..." he cooed shamelessly, rocking his hips down to pull the fingers in deeper, to hit the same spot over again but harder the second time around. He got his wish and mewled out a wordless sound, cheeks flushing a deep color of pink.

Leaning down again, Pierre's lips brushed against David's earlobe, nudging the hat away slightly with his forehead for better access. "You like that?" He asked, voice in a whisper but so low that he could feel his voice vibrate in the back of his throat, halting his fingers so that they were deep inside of the younger man, rubbing roughly against the pad of nerves.

"Ohh yeah..." was the only response that David could manage, cooing the words out, body trembling and he felt a shiver run down his spine, not sure if it was because of how good the constant stimulation to his prostate felt...or if it was because of how the singer was speaking to him. Pierre spent a few more seconds fingering the same spot, altering on pressure and speed until he rendered the bassist into a mess of pants and moans and begs.

"Pierre...God...p-please..." he whined, biting his bottom lip so hard that he knew it would probably still be bruised come the morning. As if it would lessen the pleasure creeping through his body...as if David wanted the pleasure to be lessened.

Not wasting any more time, Pierre knew exactly what David was craving for and he flipped them back around so that the bassist was lying on top of him, his own back pressed against the mattress looking up at him. In the process of being flipped back to the original position, David's hat was knocked off his head, but Pierre didn't really give a shit. He reached up, tangling his fingers in the semi-short (but long enough to grab) raven strands of hair on the bassist's head, pulling him down for a kiss.

Tongue met long before mouths, kissing lazily as David reached down and played with Pierre's cock. Wrapping his fingers around his shaft in a loose grip, the bassist started a slow rhythm of dragging his palm up the length and then back down, making the other whimper with need into his mouth.

Pierre was never one for foreplay. He actually fucking hated it and would rather skip it, get down to business right away. David was the master at it, go figure, so at the same time that the singer despised it...he was able to at least enjoy it (to a certain point) with the bassist. He was damn good at it, so even though he still complained about it sometimes, it took him a bit longer than he ever did with anyone else.

When the actions of David's hand sped up, so did his kissing...tongue becoming a little more frantic in the other's mouth as he licked at and battled for dominance with the other's tongue. On the upstroke, the bassist's talented hand alternated by flicking his wrist at the head or swiping his thumb over the sensitive tip, the downstroke squeezing at the base of his cock. Pierre's body shook from the built up pleasure and pleaded for him to stop and get on with the actual fucking, but the words got caught up and swallowed into David's mouth. Pulling away from the other's mouth, the bassist flicked his tongue at his top lip with a snicker of amusement.

He wasn't done yet.

Slinking his body down the other's, Pierre let a whine of frustration spill from his lips before David slipped his lips around his dick and took him completely into his mouth. Air halted in his throat, Pierre choking on it slightly in surprise and groaned loud, bringing his hand to his mouth and balling it into a fit before biting down on it. His other hand still had a grip on the bassist's hair, tightening to hold on.

Giving Pierre's cock a few good, thorough sucks, bobbing his head and slipping his lips from head to base a few times, he pulled his mouth away when he thought it was coated with enough spit. A small "pop"ing noise was made and David giggled, licking his lips and licking away at a small string of precum that was still connected to his lips from the head of the other's cock. Flicking his tongue against the slit, David groaned at the taste of the other man, moving himself up to sit back on his hips, starting to situate himself.

"Wait, wait, wait!"

David blinked at Pierre's random outburst, but the other sat up and leaned over to grab at the cowboy hat that had fallen off a couple of minutes ago, plopping it back onto the other's head with a wide grin.

"Can't ride me without the hat, cowboy." Giving a wink, David just let out a small, almost unbelieving laugh and shook his head, reaching up to fix the hat so it was on his head better.

"Might as well give me a fucking lasso and matching cowboy boots to go along with this shit..."

Pierre slapped his ass. "Don't be cheeky with me, you're ruining the moment!"

"Right," David practically mumbled sarcastically, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. "The moment. Whoops. Désolé."

Reaching around to grab the singer's cock, David leaned forward so that his weight was on his knees as he positioned the tip at his entrance. He teased himself for a moment, rubbing the tip at his hole and he groaned, tilting his head down slightly, biting his lip and closing his eyes. He could feel Pierre start to shake underneath him.

Pierre's hips jerked up impatiently. "Fuck, chéri! S'il vous plaît...c'mon..."

Opening his eyes so hazel looked down and bore into deep brown, David positioned himself and slid down Pierre's cock, taking him in all the way to the hilt.

A hiss escaped his lips as he felt himself get filled up completely by the singer, the feeling almost overwhelming, but David swallowed hard and composed himself, wiggling his hips to get used to the feeling as fast as he could. It didn't hurt anymore, especially from the amount of times they did it, it was just a stretch and a burn that he had to feel at first before he knew it would morph into something that felt so much better.

It was masochistic in a way, though. There was something about the way Pierre stretched his insides when he was filled up by his cock that turned on the bassist in such a way he couldn't explain.

Knocking David out of his thoughts, Pierre gave a thrust up to gain his attention and tell him to move already, the palm of his hand coming in collision with his ass again for another smack.

"Ride it," the singer grunted out.

David just laughed, giving his hips a little swerve to semi-do the trick and Pierre groaned in teasing pleasure. Reaching to grab both of the other's hands, the bassist brought them up over the singer's head, holding them against the pillow to make sure Pierre watched himself.

"Don't push it," he teased, leaning down to nip at the other's bottom lip before lifting his body off of the other's, sliding halfway off of his dick before rocking back down to the hilt. Pierre made a strangled sounding noise in the back of his throat, whimpering when the action was repeated. Not enjoying how his body was slightly hunched over, David let go of Pierre's wrists and sat up, sliding his hands down from the singer's shoulders to his chest to hold himself up.

It was easy and quick for David to find a good rhythm, starting off slowly and easing off of the singer's cock up until only the head was inside of him before slamming himself back down..but once he started to speed up, David only moved up the length halfway. The sounds waterfalling from Pierre's lips made it clear to yes...go faster, harder, more and David bit down on his bottom lip in a way that was almost too sexy, so obscene that Pierre couldn't help himself, thrusting his hips up to meet a thrust down from the bassist's body. He wanted to make David scream. The younger man yelped out in slight surprise, but hummed in contentment soon after, a wicked, knowing smile appearing on his lips.

Rocking his hips forward and shifting himself on the other's lap, David focused on pleasing Pierre as much as he could, keeping the built up rhythm he had going on. His nails dug into his skin as his prostate was barely brushed with the tip of Pierre's cock, a gutteral moan leaving his throat, grinding his hips down for more stimulation.

Pierre got the hint though and gave a hard thrust of his hips upwards, slamming directly into the bassist's prostate.


David saw stars flash before his eyes and he almost fell off of the singer in shock, finger's curling and hands slipping over his skin from sweaty palms.

"Sainte merde," David cursed, panting for breath as he rocked his hips down again and licked his dry from breathing too heavily lips. A wordless cry was emitted when Pierre gave another buck of his hips and David decided to opt for holding onto the headboard of the bed instead of the other's chest.

Finger's grasping the board so tightly that his knuckles were turning white, David mewled as Pierre repetitively pounded into him, thrusting up into him vigorously, driving up right into his prostate. David's head hung low, eyes squeezed shut tightly, teeth sinking into his pouty pink bottom lip as he tried to keep up, impaling himself over and over onto the singer's cock.

"Fuck me," David mewled out, opening his eyes to look down at the other, watching his every move. "Please..harder..."

Because he asked so nicely, Pierre obliged with no hesitation, slamming his hips up harder with the thrusts given into the bassist. David cried out each time Pierre slid into him completely, whimpers becoming increasingly high in pitch with each thrust.

David was getting close, unable to hold himself back much longer if the singer would keep up this pace. Pierre was unfaltering though, a steady rhythm of his hips and he reached down with one of his hands to jerk David off in tandem to it all.

White flashed before the bassist's eyes and he came hard with a cry of Pierre's name on his lips, spilling himself hot and sticky all over the singer's hand and stomach. His stomach muscles clenched, the same with the walls around the singer's cock and Pierre was starting to lose it, the bucks of his lips starting to get sloppy as he was nearing the edge too.

Riding on his high, David moved with Pierre, but it wasn't fast enough for the singer, the younger man too wrapped up in the numbing pleasure that coursed through his veins to give him what he wanted...needed. Frustrated, Pierre flipped David on his back once more, reaching to hook his legs around his waist as he pounded into him relentlessly, edging closer and closer to the brink. David's hands grasped the sheets of the bed tightly, back pressed hard against the mattress as Pierre fucked him, arching and digging his heels into the singer's lower back to coax him to cum.

Dizzy-drunk, hyper aware and overly sensitive from orgasm, David growled as the singer tried to reach orgasm, tightening himself around his cock, squeezing the muscles enveloping his length.

"Fucking cum for me..." he purred, voice raspy from still being out of breath, licking his lips as he watched the singer.

Pierre came with a grunt of pleasure, David groaning as he felt the singer fill up his insides. He collapsed onto the bassist, head on his chest as he gasped for air to fill his burning lungs, swallowing down some. Hearing the steady heartbeat in David's chest, he smiled to himself, kissing over the area, letting his lips linger for a moment or so.

Body calming down, David reached up and raked his fingers through the singer's sweaty mop of hair and gave one more small giggle for the night.

"Next time we're in Calgary, I'll wear the boots...if you're lucky."
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