Apr 04, 2010 21:05
``If I ever have an accident or a terminal disease that would affect my mind or body, I will end it.'' - Kosinski
Think of how many people would instantly be dead in this country and the world if "an accident or terminal disease" brought the razor blades to their wrists. I would be dead, and so would many, many of my friends. I value their life; mine is still questionable.
I saw a car with the bumpersticker today that read, "God allows U-turns." Would this be true with suicide? Perhaps, the omnipotent God allows people who kill themselves another chance at life. In a sadistic sense one could believe that a person is destined to remain in a continuous suicide schema in which in every parallel universe they end their lives, just in different manners.
Preferably, I would hope for a God that allows death to become a permanent dream state. As scary as this may be for those of us with "night terrors", my dreams are always insightful and beautiful in some way.