I’ve been kind of absent from the blogosphere recently, except for my weekly Magical Words posts. The “Robin Hood” project was pretty consuming, and I just haven’t had much time to comment on politics or sports or life itself. I’m finally finished, though, and, it seems, just in time. It’s as if in the last week or so the entire world has gone
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These are things that seem to be forgotten by folks these days.
As for Social intolerence, the only that they are intolerant of is wasting money which the Democrats love to do.
Ah, the "Some of my best friends are African-Americans" argument... Might want to take Colin Powell off that list. Having a few high profile African-Americans doesn't change the fact that the GOP has been opposed to every major piece of Civil Rights legislation over the past thirty years. And social intolerance would cover the frothing-at-the-mouth opposition nearly every elected Republican voices for any type of social justice for homosexuals.
The last 30 years would be from 1980 until now. I can't think of any major pieces of Civil Rights legislation since 1980.
I don't mean to drag the conversation out, but I do love a good debate
Could it be that Republicans are not so much anti-minority as anti-preferred treatment for any race? Republicans have not tried to reinstitute Segregation or take away someone's Right to Vote. They argue instead that we have progressed as a nation to the point where artificially tilting the playing field in favor of a certain race is not needed. In short, those bills had outlived their usefulness and were no longer needed.
So you see, Republicans are not so much as "racist" than as "race neutral". Wasn't that the dream of Dr. King in Washington?
You see the playing field as tilted against minorities due to racial reasons. I agree that there may still be inequalities but I think chalking them up to race is an oversimplification. I think that there are other factors at play such as economic, educational, and familial which are at play here too.
So a solution based solely upon race would not solve problems only partially rooted in race. It would need to encompass all the factors involved.
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