Posted as a guest blogger today at the blog of Joshua Palmatier (
jpsorrow). Many thanks to Josh for inviting me to visit his blog. I hope to return the favor soon, so that readers of this blog can learn more about his work.
Other than that, I'm back at work and I have a sick kid at home with me today (the younger one -- and I think she's fine; just a tummy ache that seemed to go away once it was established that she wasn't going to school...). In certain ways she's very much like I was at the same age. When she's nervous about something -- a test, a difficult social situation, etc. -- her anxiety manifests itself physically, more often than not as a stomach ache. Not all that uncommon, I know, but it doesn't take a lot to set her off. Again, I was the same way, and I wish with all my heart that I hadn't passed this on to her. My own childhood anxieties made me pretty miserable at times, and it hurts to see her tying herself in knots over things that really aren't worth worrying about. Then again, these things matter to her, and it's up to her to learn to cope with her emotions. But in this way (and in others as well) I wish she was more like Nancy.
Today's music: Jerry Garcia, David Grisman, Tony Rice (The Pizza Tapes)