May 06, 2006 17:06
Have You Ever....
1. Made out for more than 3 minutes? I'm not sure I have ever made out less than three minutes.
2. Made out in a movie theater? Yessir, the girls are the ones who like the PDA
3. Been in love? absolutely
4. Danced in front of your mirror? I'd like to say no, but sometimes youre getting ready and you have music on and that jam comes on and there is no way even god could resist it.
5. Gotten an hickey? Word.
6. Given a hickey? I have, but I'm not that into it.
7. Gotten in a fist fight? All the time when I was younger, but none since 11th grade.
8. Left your house without telling your parents? Yeah, but that's the usual. I don't sneak out.
9. Slept in a bed with a member of the same or opposite sex? Absolutely.
10. Loved or missed someone right now? I miss a couple people.
11. Kissed a picture? Only of Steve Nash.
12. Been lonely? Is there a person who has never been lonely?
13. Been to a club? Yeah, not my scene really but they're pretty good.
14. Hated the way you look? Yeah.
15. Cried yourself to sleep? Naw.
16. Done something you told yourself you wouldnt do? There are a ton of those. Some are people. Haha
17. Sung in the shower? Pretty much everytime.
18. Had a dream that you married someone? Yep.
19. Ever been too scared to watch a scary movie alone? Naw, I LOVE scary movies, but when I watched the grudge by myself I got a little creeped.
20. Been told youre hot by a complete stranger? Haha, yeah
21. Laughed so hard you cried? No doubt!
22. Forgotten someones name? I'm usually pretty good with names.
23. Celebreated the 4th of July? Yeah, back in the day me and my homiez used to have firecracker wars. We lost a lot of good men out there.
24. Thought about running away? I've more been threatened to get kicked out of my house.
25. Cried over someone? no
26. Dated someone more than once? A million times, it's exhausting.
27. Broken a CD? My mom's rod stewart cd.
28. Been on Myspace for more than 5 hours? No, I only check it when I get an e-mail.
29. Have a major crush on someone right now? Just my gorgeous girlfriend.