Jan 26, 2006 11:56
That's right I am actually writing a post. so here goes.
Not much has changed since my last post. My heart has healed to a good degree in these past few weeks. I have grown a little older and a little wiser. But to be completely honest I have been lazy. So terribly lazy it's not funny. I guess I finally felt like I could have fun, meet new people, and grow out a little. And I have. But I have also stopped moving forward in my life. I mean I'm still working at CVS while doing little in the way of training for the navy. All the while Pat is continuing to go to school, Catlin is putting her resume out for a career starting job and working on getting into graduate school. And here I am still working for the same company accomplishing nothing. I think I might know why. And that is I'm afraid of moving forward and losing what I have just gained. I've gained new and wonderful friends here and have had so many new and wonderful experiences. I don't want to leave them behind. It makes me sad thinking about it now. But the rational part of me say that it will all eventually end and everyone here will some day move on too. So I need to just do it too. Like the day I left home I know I will cry when I leave here. Nothing can change that and it's better not to avoid it because it will also mean that I will also be on my way to accomplish all those wonderful goals I have set for myself.
Summer Vacation is over kids. And I must be moving on. That also means it's time that I changed a few things about myself. The number one thing is to build up my confidence. I have been hit with the very hard realization that I am very lonely. And that is because I don't go out and take a chance. I am too shy. That has to stop. The number two thing is to be devoted. I want to go into the navy. Well damnit I better start acting like it. I haven't been taking my training seriously enough. And the last thing is to take charge of my own life. All these people and expeirences have only happened due to luck in timing. Since I work at night I miss alot of other things. Well I need to take charge and tell my boss either put me on days or I will find a new job.
So I guess I lied. Alot has happened since my last post.
Well, it's time to wrap this up. But before I go I want everyone to know that I will be back home on Feb. 23 for a convention in orlando. So come let's get all the Florida folks together some time.
See You Later Space Cowboys